Meet Foundation Student Chloe

Education: Edinburgh Napier University - Accounting with Law - Graduated 2023 with Upper Second Class Honours

Role: Audit Corporate Assistant at Mazars

Top Tip: “Always have an open mind when offered support and opportunities - your mentor and the Foundation are there to help you.”

My first experience of studying Accountancy was at school, and because I enjoyed it and did well, I decided that it would be a great choice for my university studies. My school encouraged me to see university as my next step, and my teachers highlighted ICAS Foundation assistance as a way to support my studies and help me find out more about Accountancy as a career.

I was the first in my immediate family to attend university, and it was a big step for me to move away from home and into student accommodation. I really enjoyed my accountancy classes, but I found it difficult to ask questions and approach lecturers when I had challenges. I was very proud to overcome this nervousness, and help both found the University Accounting Society and later become its President in my final year of studies.

Having a mentor was definitely the most valuable part of Foundation support, and we’re still great friends now that I’ve graduated. She helped me with assignments and my dissertation, as well as internship and job applications - and we went to lots of events together which really helped me build my network in the accounting sector. When the pandemic started, I found the move to online classes difficult, but my mentor and the Foundation supported me to get back on track and succeed in my studies.

I had part time jobs throughout university, and sometimes it was challenging to balance these with studying. The Foundation bursary helped me cut down my work hours around crucial times such as preparation for exams, and I also used it to purchase textbooks, particularly in my later years of university.

I’ve had the opportunity to represent the Foundation on various occasions, from ‘Meet the ICAS President’ events through to the ICAS Dinner, and I’ve really benefited from meeting a wide range of people involved in accounting, as well as other Foundation graduates. Attending those events has been a fantastic way for me to find out more about ICAS training and its benefits - without the Foundation, I never would have known how helpful the CA qualification could be for my future career.

I’m now undertaking ICAS training at Mazars in an audit role, and I can see how a focus on auditing will offer lots of potential career avenues for the future. That’s perfect for me, as one of my ambitions is to travel and work around the world, using the CA qualification as my passport.

When I left school, I didn’t know what I wanted to do. Being part of the ICAS Foundation has offered me so many opportunities -  I wouldn’t be where I am today without the Foundation’s support!


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